
When the brown boy remembers the white man applying Clinique All About the Eyes to the bags beneath his own, he also remembers the fluid is pink. The brown boy does not need Clinique, but he feels that the ritual of a wash, then Clarifying Lotion, Multi-Vitamin Acne Treatment (precautionary), Total Turnaround Cream, Moisture in Control, and maybe All About the Eyes, is more than enough to keep his face cinematic. But beyond product, the brown boy remains beautiful because he gets plenty of rest in the white man's house. One weekend, while napping, he thought about the word comfort and how his body fit perfectly against the white man's: snuggle me is how he gets his white man to do it, to pull him in against his big body, a warm pocket, warmer than the electric blanket's heat, radiating through the water of the king size bed. In the bathroom, the brown boy leaves a small spot of blood from his face on a big white towel. He hopes the white man does not think the stain is shit. The brown boy once told the white man he found it offensive that he left out dark towels for him to

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