
IN this year's volume we find a most interesting collection of notes and articles relating to almost every branch of the subject. Captain Abney contributes an article in which he warns photographers to beware of their principal enemy—dust—and concludes with the best method of exclusion. The Rev. S. J. Perry gives a short summary of the instruments used in celestial photography during the past year, and of the work accomplished, including the wonderful photographs taken by Isaac Roberts of the nebula of Andromeda, nebulæ in the Pleiades, c. Mention is also made of the success of Mr. Common in rendering still more perfect the reflecting surface of his magnificent five-foot glass mirror. Amongst the other articles we may refer to that on halation by Chapman Jones, hydroquinone by W. B. Bolton, and celluloid films by Colonel J. Waterhouse. An epitome of the year's progress, with notes on passing events, original and selected, is given by the editor, who marks the great advance made in film photography, and also the tendency to diminish the bulk of cameras, as shown by the innumerable hand or detective cameras that have appeared during the last twelve months. Allusion also is made to the new developer, eikonogen, which can, it is believed, develop into full printing density a plate that has been impressed by feeble radiations.

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