
I am deeply conscious of the honour you have granted me in electing me your President for this year. As a member of Council and Medical Secretary for some years I have become aware of many of the duties which fall to this office, and I accepted nomination with some hesitation, doubtful of my ability to fulfil them with the skill of my distinguished predecessors. With the support of the Officers and Council I will endeavour to serve this Institute in the promotion of its objects as stated in its Royal Charter of 1958. I think it appropriate to quote several from the Charter (Handbook, p. 50). “(b) To promote and encourage the study and practice of the art and science of radiology, radiobiology and the medical applications of nuclear science in all their aspects and the study of kindred sciences. (c) To maintain and extend to the public advantage the usefulness of the work of the radiologist, radiobiologist, physicist, radiographer and X-ray engineer in the field of medicine and in the expanding field of the industrial application of radioactive substances. (d) To disseminate knowledge concerning all aspects of the science of radiology, radiobiology and the medical applications of nuclear science.”

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