
BY the kindness of the Secretary of the British Association we were able to give in our last issue a list of the grants awarded by the General Committee just as we were going to press. Upon referring to this, it will be seen that the grants amount to very nearly £1100, that is £400 more than those awarded at the previous meeting. The increase of funds available for research is due to the large number who attended the Oxford meeting, the receipts being as much as £2175. In this matter, and indeed from every point of view, the meeting was a most successful one. The membership reached a total of 2321—a number greatly in excess of the average. In moving a vote of thanks to the authorities of the city for the hospitable reception accorded to the Association, Sir John Evans remarked that the meeting had been notable both for the large attendance of members and associates, and for the great scientific interest and importance of the papers read. In fact, it was the opinion of all that rarely, if ever, has a more brilliant meeting of the Association been held. No less than seventy-seven foreign members, eminent in many branches of scientific knowledge, honoured it with their presence. The exchange of ideas, which results from the meeting of investigators from all parts of the world, must lead to real progress. “Science,” as someone has said, “is cosmopolitan.” She recognises no differences of nationality between workers devoted to extending her domains. Therefore men who live “for the promotion of natural knowledge” meet on common ground at the British Association, for they know that anything that will help on this object will be appreciated.

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