
Bridging more than 68 countries and involving four point four billion people and up to forty present of the global GDP, China's the One Belt One Road initiative is not lack of lofty ideals and aspirations. Its boosters publicize its extensive economic commitment that it would bring economic benefits to the world create opportunities and pull millions of people out of poverty. This paper is based on The Belt and Road strategic background and a British exit of the reality of the situation, study on the Britain-China economic cooperation and countermeasures. The first of the The Belt and Road strategic thinking described the concept and characteristics, and introduces the development background, the Britain-China economic and financial cooperation status. Secondly, according to the international economic status, put forward facing The Belt and Road “under the Sino British financial cooperation in the process of problems and from challenges: asymmetric financial development and impaired currency convertibility. To solve the problems and face the challenges, the paper provides four suggestions to promote the Britain-China financial background in The Belt and Road under the strategic cooperation in a field of deepening economic cooperation between the United Kingdom and China, put forward and deepen countermeasure.

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