
Part 1 Introduction: situating the breakdown the shortcomings of the Lebanese system in the pre-war period - the academic debate. Part 2 The political and communal scene in pre-war Lebanon: the uneven communal development of Lebanese society varying paths to communal Za'ama - Maronite and Sunni communal disparities and state politics. Part 3 The Lebanese State and the Arab State system: state-society relations - situating the Lebanese Sate the Lebanese Stet and the Arab State system - varying paths and power the porous Lebanese State and the Arab State system PLO define of state authority - Jordan versus Lebanon. Part 4 The post-1967 PLO and Lebanese politics: Palestinian presence in Lebanon until 1968 the making of the Cairo Agreement the limits to state power - Chehabism and the PLO. Part 5 The political process - internal and external dimensions, 1970-1974: the years of uncertainty, 1970-72 the year of living dangerously, 19734 the aftershocks of the 1973 war and Lebanese politics, 1974. Part 6 The pre-war scene: the internal scene prior to the outbreak of war power-sharing - from independence to the war socio-economic factors and the war the Sidon disturbances - fishermen's protest or a Palestinian show of force? Part 7 Lebanon's multi faceted war - 1975-76: the 'Ayn al-Rummaneh confrontation - the inevitable trigger the breakdown of the confessional political process anarchy, wartime reform and dialogue the changing war - the constitutional document and its aftermath the Palestinian-Syrian war ending the Part 8 The inevitable breakdown: the PLO armed presence an its impact on Lebanese politics and society conflicting images of the state and its structural dichotomy the inevitable confrontation - a state in search of stability, a revolution in search of a state war continues - the arab-Israeli conflict and the Arab civil war.

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