
The intensive cultivation of microalgae is an alternative for the sustainable and clean production of energy, protein, and pigments, particularly when associated with agribusiness and wastewater treatment. Intensive microalgae cultivation aims to mitigate environmental risks and microalgae by-products add value to the production chain. However, studies on the microalgae production chain in Brazil are few. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the Brazilian microalgae production chain (BMPC) and suggest alternatives for its consolidation. Its structure was mapped, showing how BMPC public research funds, research, development and innovation, publications, patents, and companies are linked. State-of-the-art research on microalgae was analyzed using the research database from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Information on the number of documents published was evaluated using the Scopus database and patent information was gathered from World Intellectual Property Organization database, Latin American Patent Bank and National Institute for Industrial Property. Despite microalgae research initiatives in Brazil, which have leveraged several research groups and generated patents, the dissemination of this knowledge to companies appears limited and is restricted to only a few regions in the country. Furthermore, Brazil has neither regionalized alignment of microalgae supplies and demand nor any organization or adequate interaction among stakeholders. The high cost of producing the raw material and the lack of organizations representing the sector are the primary barriers to the yet incipient Brazilian microalgae production chain. Likewise, a main challenge for consolidation and development of the production chain concerns the representative organization of the microalgae sector through the creation of associations.

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