
In this paper we are interested in computing the Brauer group of K3 surfaces. To an element of the Brauer–Grothendieck group Br(X) of a smooth projective variety X over a number field k class field theory associates the corresponding Brauer–Manin obstruction, which is a closed condition satisfied by k-points inside the topological space of adelic points of X, see [20, Ch. 5.2]. If such a condition is non-trivial, X is a counterexample to weak approximation, and if no adelic point satisfies this condition, X is a counterexample to the Hasse principle. The computation of Br(X) is thus a first step in the computation of the Brauer–Manin obstruction on X. Let k be an arbitrary field with a separable closure k, Γ = Gal(k/k). Recall that for a variety X over k the subgroup Br0(X) ⊂ Br(X) denotes the image of Br(k) in Br(X), and Br1(X) ⊂ Br(X) denotes the kernel of the natural map Br(X) → Br(X), where X = X ×k k. In [22] we showed that if X is a K3 surface over a field k finitely generated over Q, then Br(X)/Br0(X) is finite. No general approach to the computation of Br(X)/Br0(X) seems to be known; in fact until recently there was not a single K3 surface over a number field for which Br(X)/Br0(X) was known. One of the aims of this paper is to give examples of K3 surfaces X over Q such that Br(X) = Br(Q). We study a particular kind of K3 surfaces, namely Kummer surfaces X = Kum(A) constructed from abelian surfaces A. Let Br(X)n denote the n-torsion subgroup of Br(X). Section 1 is devoted to the geometry of Kummer surfaces. We show that there is a natural isomorphism of Γ-modules Br(X)−→Br(A) (Proposition 1.3). When A is a product of two elliptic curves, the algebraic Brauer group Br1(X) often coincides with Br(k), see Proposition 1.4. Section 2 starts with a general remark on the etale cohomology of abelian varieties which may be of independent interest (Proposition 2.2). It implies that if n is an odd integer, then for any abelian variety A the group Br(A)n/Br1(A)n is canonically isomorphic to the quotient of Het(A, μn) Γ by (NS (A)/n), where NS (A) is the Neron–Severi group (Corollary 2.3). For any n ≥ 1 we prove that Br(X)n/Br1(X)n is a subgroup of Br(A)n/Br1(A)n, and this inclusion is an equality for odd n, see

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