
AbstractLet (Ω, Σ, μ) be a complete probability space and let X be a Banach space. We consider the following problem: Given a function f: Ω → X for which there is a norming set B ⊂ BX * such that Zf,B = {x * ○ f: x * ∈ B } is uniformly integrable and has the Bourgain property, does it follow that f is Birkhoff integrable? It turns out that this question is equivalent to the following one: Given a pointwise bounded family ℋ︁ ⊂ ℝΩ with the Bourgain property, does its convex hull co(ℋ︁) have the Bourgain property? With the help of an example of D. H. Fremlin, we make clear that both questions have negative answer in general. We prove that a function f: Ω → X is scalarly measurable provided that there is a norming set B ⊂ BX * such that Zf,B has the Bourgain property. As an application we show that the first problem has positive solution in several cases, for instance: (i) when BX * is weak* separable; (ii) under Martin's axiom, for functions defined on [0, 1] with values in a Banach space with density character smaller than the continuum. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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