
The objective of this research is to investigate the causes, impacts, and aftermath of the Bosnian Genocide to propose preventative strategies against future genocides. A literature review of primary sources and current scholarly papers is presented to analyze the significant influence of economic and historical events preceding the genocide, the determinant causes of which were the advocation of the “Greater Serbia” ideology and the changing socioeconomic dynamics between Bosnia and Serbia. The clear intent of the Bosnian War was to systematically enforce a nationalist Serbian agenda whose primary goals were the complete eradication of the Bosniak community through the destruction of their cultural landmarks and the deliberate killings of Bosniak men and mass rape of women. The Bosnian Genocide resulted in the Dayton Agreement that ended the war and the formation of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The results of this study culminate in recommendations to avert future instances of genocide, such as limiting the political power of the head of state to ensure accountability through checks and balances, establishing security measures to protect the Bosniak community from violent crimes, diversifying the national economy by creating job opportunities in non-military sectors, implementing an educational campaign at the primary level to encourage respect for minority groups, enacting anti-discrimination laws, and engaging Bosniak community leaders in decision making. These recommendations are made not only to support preventative measures but also to promote an acceptance of multiculturalism that is crucial to avert future genocides in an increasingly globalized society.

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