
<p>本文主要目的在於從《臺灣蕃人事情》報告,來看日治初期官方原住民教育政策之形成。《臺灣蕃人事情》是民政部事務囑託伊能嘉矩和粟野傳之丞呈給民政長官後藤新平的覆命書,此覆命書係為實施蕃人教育預作準備。本書大部分內容由人類學調查所組成,可作為從人類學的角度看待教育的特殊視角。在蕃人教育措施準備上,覆命書中提及針對各族原住民「開化發達」的程度不同,給予適當之教育措施。對照日本總督府隨後原住民教育政策之發展,覆命書確實有其若合符節之處,也有差異之處。會有差異之處的原因,在於殖產部門所管轄的原住民區域,發展出與文教部門不同的原住民教育措施。</p> <p> </p><p>The main purpose of this article is to analyze the relation between the formation of the official indigenous education policy in the early period of Japanese colony and the report “The History and Custom of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples ". “The History and Custom of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples “was the official report for the Chief of the Civil Affairs, Goto Shinpei, by two officials of Department of Civil Affairs, Ino Kanori and Suo Chuanji. The purpose of survey was the preparations for educating indigenous peoples. Most part of this report was based on field study, which could help to see education from an anthropological perspective. For establishing an education system for indigenous peoples, it divided to the different levels of civilization of each different ethnic group of indigenous peoples, and then gave each an appropriate education. Comparing the subsequent development of the indigenous education system that Taiwan Governor’s Office of Japanese initiated, it found there were some similarity and difference between the official report and the practical policy. The reason for the difference based on the development of indigenous educational policy that was different from the educational unit in the indigenous areas under the jurisdiction of the developmental department.</p> <p> </p>

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