
Mosasaurs were among the last marine reptiles that lived before the Cretacesous–Paleogene extinction. Little is known about the sensory evolution of mosasaurs in relation to their aquatic lifestyle. In this study, the braincase of Platecarpus was CT-scanned and virtual models were constructed showing the bony labyrinth — or the inner ear — a sensory apparatus for balance and hearing. The virtual inner ear consists of the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea. Compared with extant squamates, Platecarpus resembles sea snakes in having a small vestibule with a flat dorsal surface, but it differs from non-mosasaurian squamates in having rounded semicircular canals. Phylogenetic linear regression analysis supports a linear relationship, independent from phylogeny, between the length of the three semicircular canals and the length of the skull. The semicircular canals of Platecarpus are shorter than predicted, but the fossil data fell within the 95% prediction interval calculated from the extant data and the skull length of Platecarpus. Although size reduction of the bony labyrinth has been associated with aquatic adaptions in mammals, our results suggest that in squamates, semicircular canal size is related to skull size rather than habitat preference.

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