
Behavioral Study Section.- The Bonobo's Adaptive Potential: Social Relations under Captive Conditions.- What Does Agonistic Dominance Imply in Bonobos?.- Social Play in Bonobos: Not Only an Immature Matter.- Gestures and Multimodal Signaling in Bonobos.- Ecological Study Section.- Longitudinal Structure of a Unit-group of Bonobos: Male Philopatry and Possible Fusion of Unit-groups.- Seasonal Changes in Fruit Production and Party Size of Bonobos at Wamba.- Relationships among Fruit Abundance, Ranging Rate, and Party Size and Composition of Bonobos at Wamba.- Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Density Estimation in the SW-Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo: Common Methodology Revisited.- Ecological Factors Influencing Bonobo Density and Distribution in the Salonga National Park: Applications for Population Assessment.- Range Occupation and Population Estimates of Bonobos in the Salonga National Park: Application to Large-scale Surveys of Bonobos in the Democratic Republic of Congo.- Conservation Study Section.- Traditional Land-use Practices for Bonobo Conservation.- Human Hunting and its Impact on Bonobos in the Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo.- The Bonobos of the Lake Tumba - Lake Maindombe Hinterland: Threats and Opportunities for Population Conservation.- Changes in the Status of Bonobos, their Habitat, and the Situation of Humans at Wamba in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo.- The Conservation Value of Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary.

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