
Several procedures have been developed to measure body image distortion. A recently developed device is the Body Image Detection Device (BIDD), which includes a measure of perceptual size distortion (BPI) and subjective ratings of relative weight (SRI). Initial studies have supported the validity and reliability of the BIDD BPI and SRI in mainly bulimic patients, though studies which question the validity of the BIDD (especially the BPI) have appeared. One purpose of the present study was to examine the BIDD's validity in anorectic as well as bulimic patients and to compare both to a psychiatric control group. A second purpose of the study was to compare the validity of the BIDD to alternative measures. Thus, this study also compared the BIDD indices with simple measures of body weight dissatisfaction. The results did not support the validity of the BIDD BPI as a measure of body image disturbance, moderately supported the SRI, and did support the measures of weight dissatisfaction.

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