
The objective of this work is to elucidate what body psychoanalysis is about, a body that goes beyond the biological, a body that pulsates, colonized by maternal language and the unconscious. This body establishes the beginning of psychoanalysis with a scientific inflection on medicine at the beginning of the 20th century, with formulations on hysteria. Breaking, thus, with Descartes' speech, I think, therefore, I exist. Lacan, with his return to Freud, approaches the mystery of this speaking body, taking into account the imaginary, symbolic and real registers; bringing up a body that enjoys, in search of a fantasy of completeness, facing an object that has been lost forever. In this way, it is interesting to think about cultural and contemporary ideals, to which this body that goes far beyond the biological is submitted, thus meeting the superegoic dictates of jouissance. This enjoyment can also be extracted from the creationist bias, with the sublimatory possibility of elevating the object to the dignity of the thing, this putting itself in the place of what we lack.

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