
This study compares the discursive practices of online followers of the British National Party (BNP) and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). In the past, UKIP distanced itself from the more radical BNP. Nevertheless, the parties mobilize from the same support base. A comparison of the comments of Facebook followers of both parties provides an insight in the similarities and differences in the ideology and concerns of supporters. Followers of both parties address the similar issues – immigration, Islam, populism, Euroscepticism – in their debates. However, they differ in how strongly they emphasize these issues. Islam is the most prominent topic amongst BNP supporters, whereas UKIP supporters primarily address support of their party. Supporters of both parties address distinct issues, such as the Syrian conflict and support for Putin on the BNP page; and the discussion on the Union Flag on the UKIP page. The findings suggest that UKIP supporters are less extreme in framing cultural outgroups. The study shows how topic models can form a useful method for categorizing large amounts of textual data.

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