
Blueberry gall midge, Dasineura oxycoccana (Johnson) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is an emerging pest on wild blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton (Ericales: Ericaceae). The purpose of this study was to document the population increase of blueberry gall midge on this crop in Maine since its discovery in 2003 until 2018. Dasineura oxycoccana appears to have three generations during the prune cycle in Maine wild blueberry, although this may vary among years. Prune fields have higher infestation rates than crop fields, most likely due to the greater abundance of susceptible leaf tissue. Production system does affect infestation rates. Fields managed under a high input system exhibit lower gall midge infestation than low or medium input fields. Field infestation rates in organic fields were intermediate to high input and low and medium input fields. In seven trials conducted between 2010 and 2017, D. oxycoccana infestation of stems resulted in significantly fewer flower-bud clusters developed at the end of the prune year in four of seven trials and significantly fewer viable flowers during bloom in the crop year in four of seven trials. Two of the seven trials resulted in significantly more flowers on infested stems than noninfested stems, evidence that in some years D. oxycoccana infestation may stimulate flower-bud production, resulting in an increase in potential yield. We provide an optimal sampling plan for D. oxycoccana infestation sampling and economic thresholds for three levels of production (yield levels) and three expected prices that growers might receive.

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