
The taxonomic status and population variability of a Black Sea scallop (Flexopecten: Mollusca, Pectinidae) was evaluated in a DNA barcoding study using the 16S ribosomal DNA gene (=16S rDNA), in conjunction with seven morphological features of the shell. We conclude that the Black Sea form represents an eastern extension of the Mediterranean scallop F. glaber (Linnaeus, 1758). It is characterized by a significant lack of genetic variability when compared to the Mediterranean form, although it does contain new haplotypes not found in that species. There is also an increase in the mismatch in the distribution of nucleotides for the Black Sea form when compared with pooled samples of Mediterranean scallop. Plausible reasons for the observed phenomena are hypothesized from the standpoint of the epigenetic theory of evolution and the time since the scallop penetrated into the Black Sea. The lack of genetic variability is potentially due to founder effect and genetic drift.

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