
The classical pricing theory requires that the simple sets of outcomes are extended, using the Kolmogorov Extension Theorem, to a sigma-algebra of measurable sets in an infinite-dimensional sample space whose elements are continuous paths; the process involved are represented by appropriate stochastic differential equations (using Itô calculus); a suitable measure for the sample space can be found by means of the Girsanov and Radon–Nikodym Theorems; the derivative asset valuation is determined by means of an expression using Lebesgue integration. It is known that if we replace Lebesgue’s by the generalized Riemann integration to obtain the expectation, the same result can be achieved by elementary methods. In this paper, we consider the Black–Scholes PDE subject to impulse action. We replace the process which follows a geometric Brownian motion by a process which has additional impulsive displacements at random times. Instead of constants, the volatility and the risk-free interest rate are considered as continuous functions which can vary in time. Using the Feynman–Ka[Formula: see text] formulation based on generalized Riemann integration, we obtain a pricing formula for a European call option which copes with many discontinuities. This paper seeks to develop techniques of mathematical analysis in derivative pricing theory which are less constrained by the standard assumption of lognormality of prices. Accordingly, the paper is aimed primarily at analysis rather than finance. An example is given to illustrate the main results.

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