
The largest galaxies, and in particular central galaxies in clusters, offer unique insight into understanding the mechanism for the growth of nuclear black holes. We present Hubble Space Telescopekinematics for NGC 1399, the central galaxy in Fornax. We find the best-fit model contai ns a black hole of (5: 1� 0: 7)� 10 8 M� (at a distance of 21.1 Mpc), a factor of over 2 below the correlation of black hole mass and velocity dispersion. We also find a dramatic signature for central tangential anisotropy. Th e velocity profiles on adjacent sides 0.5 00 away from the nucleus show strong bimodality, and the central spectrum shows a large drop in the dispersion. Both of these observations point to an orbital distribution that is tange ntially biased. The best-fit orbital model suggests a ratio of the tangential to radial internal velocity dispersions o f three. This ratio is the largest seen in any galaxy to date and will provide an important measure for the mode by which the central black hole has grown. Subject headings: galaxies: nuclei — galaxies: statistics — galaxies: genera l

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