
The bitunicate ascus paradigm recognized by E. S. Luttrell is reviewed. Species demonstrated to fit the paradigm are listed. Attempts to redefine the bitunicate ascus with functional as well as structural characters are outlined including Chadefaud’sTrois Categories d’Ascomycetes, Sherwood’s Unusual Ascus Types, Bellemere’sCouche Plan, and Eriksson’s Ascus Dehiscence Types. Discussion of related topics include: (1) Characteristics of the bitunicate ascus including sequential wall formation, separation of wall regions at ascospore ejaculation, thenasse apicale, and the “banded pattern” of the secondary wall layer; (2) Ascus morphology types based on characters observable with the light microscope; and (3) Ascostromatic species designated bitunicate that deviate from the bitunicate ascus paradigm and yet are not structurally similar to the unitunicate ascomycetes. The separation of two wall regions at spore ejaculation is recognized as the single criterion for the bitunicate ascus sensu stricto (=fissitunicate).

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