
This paper considers the growth of a new left intellectual movement in Poland: Krytyka Polityczna. This group, led by the sociologist Słavomir Sierakowski, has brought a new discourse into the Polish political debate and challenged the ruling right-wing hegemony in the country. With the country's political scene dominated by two parties of the right, Krytyka Polityczna has added an alternative left-wing voice to the political debate. It has offered a new strategic thinking for the Polish left and confronted the mainstream left's capitulation to the right-wing hegemony. However, Krytyka Polityczna's language and activities are predominantly directed towards the liberal intellectual milleu. It has remained within the confines of a liberal democratic ideology, promoting ideas of a radical pluralist democracy, and thus failing to expand support for left wing ideas within large sections of Polish society and fuelling the suspicion that it is a creature of the establishment. Its growth therefore highlights the weakness of the Polish left and the failure of the labour movement in Poland to impose a real alternative to the dominance of the conservative right.

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