
The biotransformation of mercury was monitored in Hymenoscyphus ericae (Read) Korf & Kernan, Neocosmospora vasinfecta E. F. Sm., and Verticillium terrestre (Link) Lindau following the exposure of these fungi to environmentally relevant doses of HgII(HgCl2) in aerated pH-controlled cultures. Mercury applied at 120 and 300 μg·L–1quickly associated with cells of N. vasinfecta. Within 3 h, approximately 80% of the remaining Hg in both treatments had been converted to β-HgS, and at 8 h, 15% and 53% of the original doses had been converted into volatile Hg0. Hymenoscyphus ericae was less efficient at converting HgIIto β-HgS, but it volatilized larger amounts of Hg0. A mercury-tolerant isolate of V. terrestre withstood levels of Hg in the parts per million. When exposed to 270, 1000, or 2000 μg·L–1HgCl2, 93% ± 3% of the amounts remaining in cultures of V. terrestre after 2 h was β-HgS. At 2 mg·L–1, 72% of the Hg was reduced to Hg0in 2 h. Volatilization accounts for the tolerance of V. terrestre to high doses of Hg, whereas the conversion of Hg to β-HgS was the major detoxifying mechanism at lower doses. The formation of β-HgS occurs preferentially with volatilization operating as the default pathway, when the former biotransformation mechanism is saturated.

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