
<p>為了解手球選手在投擲動作上的效率,墊步射門是檢視能量傳遞好壞的最佳方式。目的:分析臺灣手球選手使用墊步射門的情形,以及探討肢體運動學,核心肌群肌肉力量和前導腳站立平衡能力在墊步射門中的重要性。方法:9 位大專男子甲組選手 (年齡 22.0 ± 1.3 歲、身高 177.1 ± 3.1 公分、體重 78.4 ± 5.1 公斤),以三度空間電磁場動作分析系統擷取墊步射門動作,並以雷達測速槍測量球速;以力矩傳感器搭配特製測力裝置測量軀幹及髖關節各肌群之最大等長肌力;以軟墊置於測力板上測量前導腳站立平衡能力。使用肯德爾相關係數探討射門運動學參數、核心肌群肌肉力量和前導腳站立平衡能力與墊步射門球速之相關性,顯著水準定在 p < .05。結果:引臂期的肩膀最大外轉角度 (Kendall’s tau-b = .54),手臂加速期的軀幹最大旋轉速度 (Kendall’s tau-b = .54)、肩膀最大水平內收速度 (Kendall’s tau-b = .69) 與射門球速皆有中度的正相關。背部肌肉力量與射門球速有中度的負相關 (Kendall’s tau-b = -.57)。前導腳平衡能力參數與射門球速皆無相關性存在。結論:透過運動學分析了解到大專男子甲組選手在執行墊步射門時的動作表現,並發現身體近端對於墊步射門的重要性。建議應加強墊步射門時的軀幹動作,藉由較快的軀幹旋轉速度來帶動上肢的投擲表現,以提升射門球速。</p> <p> </p><p>The standing throw with run-up is the best approach to evaluate the performance of energy transfer and the efficiency of throwing motions for handball players. Purpose: This research aims at analyzing the usage of the standing throw with run-up among the handball players in Taiwan. The roles of body kinematics, strength of core muscles and standing balance of the drive leg played in the standing throw with run-up are also discussed. Methods: Nine Division I handball players from college went through a series of tests. The motions and the speed of the handball throwing were detected by a 3D electromagnetic motion analysis system and a sports radar gun, respectively. The maximum isometric muscle strength of trunks and hips were measured by a torque sensor and a home-made device of strength measurement. The standing balance of the drive leg was measured by a force plate with a mat. Results: The maximal shoulder external rotation angle in the arm cocking phase, the maximal trunk rotation velocity in the arm acceleration phase and the maximal shoulder horizontal adduction velocity showed moderate positive relationships with the ball velocity. The strength of back muscles had a moderate negative relationship with the ball velocity. The correlation between the balance ability of the drive leg and the ball velocity was not observed. Conclusion: The importance of proximal segments to the standing throw with run-up is analyzed by kinematical analysis. It is suggested that the energy of handball throwing is generated by the upper extremities or other limb segments in the processes of the standing throw with run-up. Our findings can serve as a helpful reference for both coaches and players.</p> <p> </p>

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