
From May 1979 to July 1980, the blood of 196 mature Hyla versicolor LeConte from six sites in southern Ontario and southeastern Manitoba was examined for trypanosomes using the haematocrit centrifugation technique. Trypanosoma andersoni n. sp. and Trypanosoma grylli Nigrelli were found in 5.2 and 5.6% of the frogs examined. Three frogs (1.5%) were infected with both species of trypanosomes. Blood trypomastigotes of both species were monomorphic. Blood trypomastigotes of T. andersoni n. sp. were long and slender, tapering at both ends, whereas those of T. grylli were pyriform with a rounded posterior and tapered anterior.Both blood and culture forms of these trypanosomes were infective to laboratory-raised H. versicolor and Hyla crucifer Wied. Trypanosoma grylli was also infective to a field-collected Acris gryllus (LeConte). Neither trypanosome was infective to laboratory-raised Rana catesbeiana Shaw, Rana clamitans Rafinesque tadpoles, Rana pipiens Schreber, Rana sylvatica LeConte, or Xenopus laevis Daudin. Trypanosoma andersoni n. sp. was also not infective to laboratory-raised Bufo americanus Holbrook, Pseudacris triseriata (Wied), or to field-collected Hyla cinerea (Schneider) and Osteopilus septentrionalis Dumeril and Bibron. Neither species was infective to field-collected Notophthalmus viridescens (Rafinesque).

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