
Ubiquinone (Q) shares its biological implication in membrane-associated redox reactions with a variety of other redox carriers, such as dehydrogenases, non-heme-iron proteins, and cytochromes. Peculiarities arise from the lack of transition metals, which in contrast to the other electron carriers do not participate in redox-shuttle activities of Q. Another peculiarity is the lipophilicity of Q, which allows free movement between reductants and oxidants of a membrane. The chemistry of Q reduction and ubiquinol oxidation requires the stepwise acceptance and transfer of two single electrons associated with the addition or release of two single H+. These special qualities are widely used in biological membranes for linear electron transfer and transmembranous H+ translocation. In mitochondria it was long reported that under certain conditions linear e- transfer from the semireduced form (SQ.) to native oxidants of the respiratory chain may run out of control, thereby establishing a permanent source of oxygen radical release. It should be mentioned that in mitochondria e- transfer to dioxygen out of sequence requires a particular treatment with inhibitors and uncouplers of the respiratory chain. Nevertheless, it is generally assumed that Q is mainly involved in mitochondrial O2.- generation and that mitochondria represent the major source of O2.- radicals under physiological and various pathophysiological conditions. The ever-increasing application of coenzyme Q as an antioxidant for the prophylaxis and treatment of a great variety of functional disorders, including senescence, has considerably stimulated our interest in the potential prooxidative potency of this natural electron carrier. Experimental evidence will be presented that under physiological conditions Q implicated in mitochondrial e- transfer of the respiratory chain is not involved in cellular oxygen activation. It will also be shown that alterations of Q from an e- carrier to an active radical promotor is possible under various conditions. In addition, reaction products emerging from the antioxidant activity of ubiquinol were found to stimulate the formation of inorganic as well as organic oxygen radicals.

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