
The Bintz site is a small village site located on the left bank of the Ohio River at the mouth of Twelve-Mile Creek, Campbell County, Kentucky, on property belonging to Mrs. William C. Bintz. The village consists of two parts – the “lower village,” at the immediate edge of the river, just downstream from the mouth of the creek, and the “upper village” about two hundred meters from the river and the creek on a terrace about four meters higher than the flood-plain where the “lower village” is located (Fig. 87). The cultural material found at both areas is identical, and it appears that both areas were occupied by the same people and at the same time. With the exception of a small amount of Woodland material found on the surface and in the excavations at the “upper village,” all the material is definitely of the Fort Ancient type. Since the pottery types link the site specifically with the Madisonville and Fox Farm sites, we classify the Bintz site as a component of the Madisonville focus (Griffin, 1943).

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