
A realistic model-free description of the energies of heavy and superheavy nuclei is proposed. It is shown that: a) the charge Z* of the most stable isobar increases proportionally to the mass number A: Z* = aA + b, where a = 0.355, b = 9.3; b) the energy of β-decay of isobar Qβ(A, Z) increases as a linear function of the difference Z−Z*: Qβ = k(Z−Z*), where k = 1.13 MeV and D depends on the nuclear parity A; c) the energy of α-decay of isobars increases independently of parity in proportion to the difference Z−Z*: Qα(A, Z) = Qα*(A) + λ(Z − Z*(A)), where λ = 2k(1–2a) = 0.65 MeV; d) the reduced energy of α-decay, Qα*(A) is minimal at A = A0 = 232, where Qα*(A0) = 4.9 MeV, and linearly increases at A ≠ A0: Qα* = e|A − A0|, where e = 0.212 MeV at A A0. Using the obtained formulas, the energies of α-decay are calculated for all heavy and superheavy nuclei with the rms deviation of 0.2 MeV. It is shown that the region near A = A0 is the domain of most stable (heavy and superheavy) nuclei, and the region A > 280 is the domain of increased stability.

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