
We propose a new distribution, the so-called beta-Weibull geometric distribution, whose failure rate function can be decreasing, increasing or an upside-down bathtub. This distribution contains special sub-models the exponential geometric [K. Adamidis and S. Loukas, A lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate, Statist. Probab. Lett. 39 (1998), pp. 35–42], beta exponential [S. Nadarajah and S. Kotz, The exponentiated type distributions, Acta Appl. Math. 92 (2006), pp. 97–111; The beta exponential distribution, Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 91 (2006), pp. 689–697], Weibull geometric [W. Barreto-Souza, A.L. de Morais, and G.M. Cordeiro, The Weibull-geometric distribution, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 81 (2011), pp. 645–657], generalized exponential geometric [R.B. Silva, W. Barreto-Souza, and G.M. Cordeiro, A new distribution with decreasing, increasing and upside-down bathtub failure rate, Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 54 (2010), pp. 935–944; G.O. Silva, E.M.M. Ortega, and G.M. Cordeiro, The beta modified Weibull distribution, Lifetime Data Anal. 16 (2010), pp. 409–430] and beta Weibull [S. Nadarajah, G.M. Cordeiro, and E.M.M. Ortega, General results for the Kumaraswamy-G distribution, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. (2011). DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2011.562504] distributions, among others. The density function can be expressed as a mixture of Weibull density functions. We derive expansions for the moments, generating function, mean deviations and Rénvy entropy. The parameters of the proposed model are estimated by maximum likelihood. The model fitting using envelops was conducted. The proposed distribution gives a good fit to the ozone level data in New York.

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