
All we may know dillution is a new life. Every marine species has to migrate to fresh-water or estuary. Hilsa migrates to upstream fresh-waters while to breed naturally. By the way Hilsa species are being caught and hence no breeding is performed and hence we loss a huge amount of Hilsa Geneplasms, and here we stand Ecotechnology of Hilsa seed production with matured or semi matured Hilsa Ova and Sperm Cells under known water quality conditions, or else in Freshwaters. To get Hilsa seeds as per our needs. Hence Hilsa upstream migration to rivers owing to perform natural breeding may not be mandatory if there is adequate rainfall in costal environments.We describe HHHFARM a coastal or global rainfall model helping Hilsa fisheries as well. alternative rainfall model “HHHFARM” facilitating hilsa spp to breed well with ecotchnology Hilsa Seeds mere obtained in freshwaters here with adopting Ecotechnology or else naturally in Nadia Murshidabad and Culturally adjoining areas with known water qualitites and can be grown in marine-cages with the mentioned in a range Total Dissolved Solids TDS of principal water quality parameter whose value rangeing from 150 to 250 ppm (Table 1) with maximum tollerable TDS is 610 ppm. Beyond 610 ppm of TDS Hilsa species may get environmental stresses. Tenualosa ilisha migration may not be mandatory if there is HHHFARM be implemented, in a long centuries run. We propose this HHHFARM in Fisheries, a Global Coastal Rainfall model may establishing preferably in coastal zones, as well apart from terrestrials. This model specially in Fisheries says that OSP osmotic pressure can be minimized with rainfall. Every rainfall is attracted with ‘Hydrogen to Hydrogen ion based Hydrophilic Farming Apical Rainfall Model’ or i.e. HHHFARM of Plant canopies in Coastal-zones causing optimum osmotic pressure to Hilsa species as well and hence after many many years from now may be natural breeding may even possible without migrations to fresh waters.

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