
When we think about running enterprise applications on-premises, enterprises do two things for their servers, databases, and storage. Enterprises provision for peaks and put a lot of infrastructures to handle peak demand, although a lot of this capacity is not used at normal times. The other thing is a few instances that each application needs to have, typically between five and six. Multiplying this number by many times due to various applications causes a lot of costs and creates capacity that is not used. For such reasons, the enterprise applications in the cloud seem reasonable. In the cloud, two things are possible again. Instead of overprovisioning for peaks, enterprises can scale the capacity on on-demand and spin up instances on demand. This means a certain amount of cost-saving by running at a normal level instead of overprovisioning. In this paper, various factors will be considered, and the benefits for enterprise data warehouse implementation in the cloud vs. on-premises will be stated.
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