
The paper focuses on the differences and similarities in the performance of two groups of test takers taking the ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages) language exam – a proficiency-type of language exam – in Hungary and in neighbouring countries. The two groups under investigation include Hungarian test takers living in Romania, Slovakia and Serbia and native Hungarians between the ages of 14 and 19 living in Hungary. The research aims to identify whether bilingual test takers have an advantage when taking a language examination in a third language as compared to those who are monolingual. The study compares, contrasts and analyses the performance of these two distinct groups, one of which comes from a multilingual environment. It has been found out that the overall performance (achieved in each of the four components: listening, speaking, writing and reading) of bilingual test takers was significantly better than that of the monolinguals (p < 0.001). Three tendencies have been identified with respect to the differences between the performance of the bilingual and monolingual test takers: first, there is a greater gap in relation to receptive skills - listening and reading – than in the case of the productive skills – speaking and writing; second, in the case of the receptive skills the gap decreases as the proficiency level increases; third, in the case of the speaking skill the gap increases as the proficiency level increases. Possible explanations are offered to explain these phenomena. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7220/2335-2027.8.8

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