
The quest for sustainable processes is becoming more and more important, with catalysis playing a major role in improving atom economy and reducing waste. Organic syntheses with less need of protecting/de-protecting steps are highly desirable. The combination of microwave irradiation, as energy source, with ionic liquids, as both solvents and catalysts, offered interesting solutions in recent years. The literature data of the last 15 years concerning selected reactions are presented, highlighting the importance of microwave (MW) technology coupled with ionic liquids.


  • Twenty years have elapsed since the publication of the seminal book by Anastas and Warner [1], where principles of Green Chemistry were formulated and presented in a systematic discussion

  • Catalysis is an important tool for the development of sustainable processes; among the other ones, alternative energy sources and alternative solvents are of major importance

  • Microwave irradiation rapidly gained importance and was widely applied as a “green” way to provide the necessary energy to reactions

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Twenty years have elapsed since the publication of the seminal book by Anastas and Warner [1], where principles of Green Chemistry were formulated and presented in a systematic discussion. They are non-volatile and non-flammable, which make them interesting substitutes for volatile organic solvents Their properties depend on the nature of both cation and anion, giving access to a large number of compounds, often tailor-made, on the basis of reaction requirements. SSttrruuccttuurreess aanndd aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonnss ooff iioonniicc lliiqquuiiddss ((IILLss)) eennccoouunntteerreedd iinn tthhee rreevviieeww. The combination MW/ILs was used to prepare heterogeneous catalysts, efficient in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction performed under conventional heating [66]. TThhee ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn MMWW//IILLss wwaass uusseedd ttoo pprreeppaarree hheetteerrooggeenneeoouuss ccaattaallyyssttss,, eeffffiicciieenntt iinn. Iinrrtaradmiaotiloencu[9la0r].Friedel-Craft acylation to tetralones catalyzed by Tb(OTf) in [bmim]OTf, under MW irradiation [90] Another metal triflate, Y(OTf), was the best catalyst for regioselective 3‐acylation of indoles [91]A. RslawobcabsraieueluobelqledesadalnnslnuorpcepceeztezitthhhrahdaeITAiiTAIevoLyoaiLcynanahhnrcrentdyntdeoleoeeoeiadeaslecmnmec,ttanc,oc.rasiirasgtt[emtamt[aereebreabwtcwbtacmbddidnieoiencocanceaemvmyei[lv[raialrnd99entdelesesiaa2irS2Semgregmyult]u]aahuuyheotmsn]n((ysbob]dryoHSSeHeossfdiedddcacaflttdfSyetiiShhicce,atta,nOytyiOieuuewttlwwddiwtrmem4tte4tti,giiiairrluc,oocwatetedoaiishannahamsfunosa2l2ttssnarmyaarddys99aetdtelliaairneydpyepebii))btyimldflssorl..ywormyddittiairereopsfatstapatlldeneresedainniredonlldntiosudelddyenvecvntrttcterfhaMo[hiMierodoedebnnoedepwdemW pbWbdhbrr[rhbeeubaiiapyivlmynolmihnnhecciacMngceaadrgM]eciBcleattmaeeuyWaeaaFtWtru8n8illail]4nyynd1vBl1mftdiwzeezgs–gia–Frerhwee9rc9o4harasydsad5u5afwsynhhdd%u%ddNpdsoebobaimesiiaerryysm-asa.ratttra.teneiencas1cip1ounnodeidyn-‐lnmsnebenbeTld,reirdd:tee,hpneTedsinarnianedlarhnre.fezzceceotoueD:yytetattafleisirellaecoccioer‐-frtsfptNo33ncmdfnmitieon‐r-oowe.‐mmotsrtnradnnsiDieedmcmdeoeenoprtyiutntfteefiifetrehlhcmfmlnsoisheohsytynyasdrieceeivltvdlagesgcsuisxaatuonhoiia..hticmrmrnrlbotesetyAAeylairsnyriiiosiceddtnnyntviyxvsagaoitwgiaautioauozezferlrnfrbotffleaollirideryd,serclelooditeistttistumouiihnmyiyntoaibmaemudondnnonos5t5coideo,fedofdchlhtrotdlneataoaoevyyrhrlssirreseieedcdi1eo1onsodddr9lr9mmdiniouwo.uwwqomomaggacacuneilileteeetteiltiiriiidhnnyddnnhccsec aanndd tthhee ccaattaallyysstt ccoouulldd bbee uusseedd iinn ffoouurr ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee rruunnss,, wwiitthh nneegglliiggiibbllee lloossss ooff aaccttiivviittyy.

Carbon Dioxide Transformation
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