
Each cell is equipped with a conserved housekeeping mechanism, known as autophagy, to recycle exhausted materials and dispose of injured organelles via lysosomal degradation. Autophagy is an early-stage cellular response to stress stimuli in both physiological and pathological situations. It is thought that the promotion of autophagy flux prevents host cells from subsequent injuries by removing damaged organelles and misfolded proteins. As a correlate, the modulation of autophagy is suggested as a therapeutic approach in diverse pathological conditions. Accumulated evidence suggests that intermittent fasting or calorie restriction can lead to the induction of adaptive autophagy and increase longevity of eukaryotic cells. However, prolonged calorie restriction with excessive autophagy response is harmful and can stimulate a type II autophagic cell death. Despite the existence of a close relationship between calorie deprivation and autophagic response in different cell types, the precise molecular mechanisms associated with this phenomenon remain unclear. Here, we aimed to highlight the possible effects of prolonged and short-term calorie restriction on autophagic response and cell homeostasis.

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