
The participants explore the role of culture wars in the decline of BBC editorial standards. They discuss accusations that the BBC is in thrall to the 'woke', while noting a long history of pressure to conform from the Conservative Party, and the recent series of partisan editorial appointments. They also note the BBC's relentless delegitimation of the left, particularly in reporting on Jeremy Corbyn. They discuss the demographics of BBC staff, who tend to be uncritical liberals, seeing the legitimate political spectrum as being circumscribed by the space between the Guardian and the Daily Mail. Issues discussed include Brexit, Covid, trans issues, anti–vaxxers, the war in Ukraine, strikes, the monarchy and antisemitism, all of which the BBC discusses within a fairly narrowly defined range of acceptable positions, and with little opportunity for genuine dialogue. It can be difficult to defend the BBC against attacks from the right. A different frame of reference for the conversation would be to argue for more democratic structures for the BBC – and for the recognition that public broadcasting needs to be independent from the power structure.

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