
THE annual report of the Electricity Commissioners (London: H.M. Stationery Office) giving the returns of fuel consumption and electric units generated in Great Britain shows that the total quantity of electricity generated during 1936 was 14 per cent more than during the preceding year. The annual fuel consumption was 1–57 Ib. per electric unit distributed. The steam station with the highest thermal efficiency, 27· 63 per cent, is Battersea (London Power Company) and the station with the highest load, 208,000 kilowatts, is Barking A (County of London). The London Power Co. is extending its station at a cost of £1,500,000. The work constitutes the beginning of the second half of the station and includes the extension of the building to double its present size and the installation of 100,000 kw. of generating plant. This is the first instalment of the plant to be provided in the new building. It is expected that this, together with the 243,000 kw. plant already working, will meet the probable demands for electricity up to the winter 1939-40. Eventually the generating capacity is to be raised to 500,000 kw. The new plant comprises a high-pressure set, a low-pressure set and a house set. The high-pressure set generates 16,000 kw., the low-pressure set 78,000 kw. and the house set 6,000 kw. The new plant also includes one boiler of 550,000 Ib. evaporative capacity. Londoners will watch the development of this huge power station with interest. Practice has justified the policy of fostering the efficient stations in Great Britain. The returns show that whilst there were 458 generating stations in 1935, there were only 442 in 1936.

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