
A transient flow system containing several streams and shocks associated with the Bastille Day 2000 solar event was observed by the WIND and ACE spacecraft at 1 AU. Voyager 2 (V2) at 63 AU observed this flow system after it moved through the interplanetary medium and into the distant heliosphere, where the interstellar pickup protons strongly influence the MHD structures and flow dynamics. We discuss the Voyager 2 magnetic and plasma observations of this event. Increases in the magnetic field strength B, density N, temperature T and speed V were observed at the front of a stream at V2, consistent with presence of a shock related to the Bastille Day shock at 1 AU. However, the jumps occurred in a 16.9-hour data gap, so that the shock was not observed directly, and the properties of the candidate shock cannot be determined precisely. The candidate shock was followed by a merged interaction region (MIR) that moved past V2 for at least 10 days. The first part of this MIR contains a structure that might be a magnetic cloud. Just ahead of the shock there was an abrupt increase in density associated with a decrease in temperature such that the solar wind thermal pressure was constant across it. Just behind the shock there was an abrupt decrease in density associated with a net increase in magnetic field strength. This appears to be a pressure balanced structure in which the interstellar pickup protons make a significant contribution.

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