
The person who brings Buddhism into the world must have the qualities to learn and practice the Buddha's Dharma. The material of Buddha's dharma/ or quality of Buddha's dharma is to help sentient beings return to live with their inherent awareness or the nature of awareness and Buddha-nature. This awareness and Buddha nature in the Avatamsaka Sutra is called "the wisdom of the Tathagata." The Lotus Sutra (Suddharma-Pundarika Sutra) is "knowledge of the Buddha." In the Shurangama Sutra, it is the true mind. Zen Buddhism calls it "the original face or Buddha-nature." Phenomenologically, dharmas in the world are governed by the law of impermanence: birth, old age, illness, death, birth and death, and samsara, but in essence, the "true face – original face" of the human being hidden behind the birth and death person is a person with whole nature: permanence, happiness, ego, and purity. A person's abilities when he realizes his enlightenment and Buddha nature are also the core qualities of a person who wants to bring Buddhism into the world to transform his life.

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