
The insistence to have guidelines on Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) development has gained substantial courtesy in recent years due to the vast needs for affordable houses and increasing awareness of environmental concerns especially in most developing countries. The affordable housing development in Malaysia has been progressively improving since the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (11th Malaysia Plan) commencement, which focuses on increasing the affordability and accessibility of housing within low and middle-income groups, especially in urban areas. However, in order to achieve proper urban development, affordable housing must also be sustainable. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse the barriers in adopting SAH from the perspectives of developers, householders, and Governments. The objective of this study also is to draft out the barrier indicators pertaining to SAH development. This extended literature review research applied the Content Analysis Method which analysed 12 articles on the challenges of integrating affordable houses into sustainable houses by various authors in different countries and with diverse legislative practices. The findings consist of six (6) main barriers and thirty-seven (37) challenges from the perspectives of the main participants (developers, householders, and the Governments) of SAH development. The result revealed that the financial, expertise and technology, education, knowledge and awareness, accessibility and land use planning, enforcement and initiatives, land assessment, and land cost are the main barriers in implementing SAH development. The findings of this research will provide a comprehensive understanding of the limitations that hinder the widespread adaptation of SAH development initiatives. The future research will underscore the verification and validation of SAH development indicators from the main participants to initiate strategic planning on SAH developments. Ultimately, addressing the barriers will contribute to the realisation and potential of sustainable affordable housing options for all.

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