
The Barbero–Immirzi parameter, (γ), is introduced in loop quantum gravity (LQG), whose physical significance is still the biggest open question because of its profound traits. In some cases, it is real valued, while it is complex valued in other cases. This parameter emerges in the process of denoting a Lorentz connection with a non-compact group SO(3,1) in the form of a complex connection with values in a compact group of rotations, either SO(3) or SU(2). Initially, it appeared in the Ashtekar variables. Fernando Barbero proposed its possibility for inclusion within formalism. Its present value is fixed by counting micro states in loop quantum gravity and matching with the semi-classical black hole entropy computed by Stephen Hawking. This parameter is used to count the size of the quantum of area in Planck units. Until the discovery of the spectrum of the area operator in LQG, its significance remained unknown. However, its complete physical significance is yet to be explored. In the present paper, an introduction to the Barbero–Immirzi parameter in LQG, a timeline of this research area, and various proposals regarding its physical significance are given.

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