
The outlook for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) health care sector (ScanBalt BioRegion) and the global market situation for MedTech support the introduction of CAP devices. Focus may be to establish an effective BSR trans-national innovation chain within plasma medicine and CAP device development. A snapshot is required of the BSR plasma medicine and CAP device stakeholders. BSR collaboration on plasma medicine and CAP device development should facilitate access to health infrastructures for start-ups and SMEs promoting commercialization based on excellent client validation opportunities, hands-on feedback and input for product development. Regional living labs serving for plasma medicine and CAP device development should be linked together. Commercialization and bringing innovative solutions to hospitals could be assisted by a macro-regional network collaboration. Macro-regional collaboration has the capacity to mobilize regional and national investments and to coordinate those investments with various EU funding sources. Plasma medicine and CAP device development are in the author’s opinion in a position to benefit from macro-regional collaboration. The goal is the Baltic Sea Region as a globally leading hub for plasma medicine research and for CAP edevice development. ScanBalt BioRegion may be a model to be applied for the collaboration.

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