
Re-introducing the Bakhtin Circle - David Shepherd Part One: About the Bakhtin Circle 1. The scholarly legacy of Pavel Medvedev in the light of his dialogue with Bakhtin - Iurii Medvedev and Dar'ia Medvedeva 2. Seeking a 'third way' for Soviet aesthetics: Eurasianism, Marxism, Formalism - Galin Tihanov 3. The Bakhtin Circle and problems in linguistics - Vladimir Alpatov 4. Voloshinov's dilemma: On the philosophical roots of the dialogic theory of the utterance - Craig Brandist 5. Lev Pumpianskii and the Nevel School of philosophy - Nikolai Nikolaev 6. Kanaev, vitalism and the Bakhtin Circle - Ben Taylor 7. Sollertinskii and dialogical symphonism - Pauline Fairclough Part Two: Selected works by members of the Bakhtin Circle 8. Tolstoi's 'Diary' by P. N. Medvedev 9. Hermann Cohen (4 July 1842-4 April 1918) by M.I. Kagan 10. [On Marxism] by L.V. Pumpianskii 11. Archival materials (I. The problem of the transmission of alien discourse: An essay in sociolinguistic research II. Report on work as a postgraduate student, 1927/28: Plan and some guiding thoughts for the work 'Marxism and the Philosophy of Language') by V. N. Voloshinov Appendix - The Bakhtin Circle: A timeline -- .

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