
The article presents the economic specialization of the Baikal region, which includes three constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Irkutsk oblast, the Republic of Buryatia and Zabaikalskii krai, which are united by the basin of Lake Baikal-a world natural heritage site. The problem of examining economic specialization is currently very relevant, which is explained by the need to increase the level of socio-economic development of the country and its individual territories, the efficiency of production and regional specialization. We analyzed the economic complex of the Baikal region, revealed its determining factors and the branches of industrial and agricultural specialization. Peculiarities of economic and geographical location, natural resource potential and natural and climatic conditions define the development of the economic complex of the Baikal region. All these factors determined the economy orientation to the development of extractive industries and industries related to their service. In recent years, this trend is reinforced. Agriculture in the Baikal region develops in extreme natural conditions: reduced biological activity, a significant part of which is characterized by low indicators of efficiency and production intensity. Agriculture in the Baikal region includes two main industries-animal husbandry and crop production, their shares in the gross agricultural output of Irkutsk oblast are approximately equal; but in Zabaikalskii krai and the Republic of Buryatia, the leading agricultural industry is animal husbandry and its share is over 70%. The cultivation of grain and vegetable crops also plays a significant role in creating a local food facility.

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