
AbstractIn comparison with the relatively complicated flagella of all nucleated organisms, most of the actively motile bacteria have very much simpler locomotion organelles. These flagella are long thin filaments with a helical superstructure, anchored at one end in the cell membrane. Helical waves pass along the flagella in the distal direction during locomotion. In the flagella, identical structural units of a single protein species, flagellin, are linked to one another by non‐covalent bonds. The flagellin subunits can be separated from one another by mild methods, and their biochemistry as well as their structure and morphology can be investigated in the isolated state. Under certain conditions they can reaggregate in vitro to form polymorphous helical filaments, which are practically indistinguishable from intact flagella. In the flagellum, the elongated flagellin molecules have a layered arrangement in about ten parallel strands, which in turn form a hollow cylinder. Since this cylinder is deformed into a large helix, the individual chemically identical flagellin protomers and the protomer strands in the helical flagella are only quasi‐equivalent. The conformation and bonding pattern of the individual longitudinal flagellin lines can presumably be controlled in vitro by the basal structures, so that movement within the flagellum could conceivably occur as follows. A cyclically induced change in the length of the individual strands could result in an apparent rotation of the helical flagellum. According to hydrodynamic calculations, the resulting forward thrust is sufficient to propel the bacteria at the observed speeds of up to 50 μm/s.

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