
attainment of shinjin and truth The primary issue regarding knowledge that Shinran (1173–1263) treats in his writings concerns the commonplace, “natural” presupposition that it is constituted by an ego-subject relating itself to stable objects in the world. From his stance within Buddhist tradition, Shinran identifies the crucial problem as the human tendency toward the reification of both sides of this dichotomy—resulting in an autonomous self and substantial things—with the consequent attachments fueling the afflictions (“blind passions”) of habitual pain and conflict for oneself and others. The focus of Shinran’s treatment of this basic Buddhist concern is the point of engagement with dharma or true reality. In this, he draws into the arena of religious faith the probing scrutiny of lingering attachments to self, even in the dedicated practitioner, that is fundamental to the critical attitude of Mahayana Buddhist tradition. My aim in taking up the issue of truth in my article “Shinran and Heidegger on Truth” in The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science 1 is to suggest a way of reading Shinran that both avoids a common pitfall that Shinran himself cautions against—an engagement with Pure Land teachings that adheres to the subject-object dichotomy of ordinary awareness—and opens up his vision to resonances with contemporary western thought, particularly continental philosophy. This latter concern is not to claim that Shinran adumbrates contemporary thought or is affirmed by resemblances, but rather seeks to cast light on compelling aspects of his thought not often treated in traditional Shin scholastics. There are, therefore, both therapeutic and constructive sides in my attempt to engage Martin Heidegger’s (1889–1976) thought from a perspective rooted in Shinran’s Buddhism. The pitfall in reading Shinran indicated in my article is crystallized in the assumption, prevalent in Western scholarship but also widely seen in Japan, that his Shin Buddhist path centers on a simple faith in the Pure Land teachings, with such faith understood as the subjective acceptance of the truth of doctrinal propositions. In

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