
Some aspects regarding the breeding of the birds from Zigoneni Basin that belongs to the protected area ROSPA0062 the Dam Basins of the Argeş River are presented in this paper. 37 species were observed here, between May and July 2013, through the point counts method, within a radius of 100 m. On one side Acrocephalus palustris, A. scirpaceus, A. arundinaceus, Alcedo atthis, Fulica atra, Oriolus oriolus and Parus major were the most frequent species and on the other side A. palustris and Fulica atra were the most abundant. At the level of the habitat mosaic of the water shore, A. palustris (0.88 p./ha), A. scirpaceus and F. atra (each with 0.32 p./ha) and A. schoenobaenus, A. arundinaceus, Phylloscopus collybita and Pica pica (each with 0.24 p./ha) had the highest estimated densities. Additionally, 14 species dependent on wetlands were observed through the itinerary method. Other considerations about the ecological indices and the efficiency of the methods were also made.

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