
To evaluate and quantify the character and amount of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ +) content on sperm, oocyte, and embryo provider websites in the USA. Websites with LGBTQ + information were categorized into "minimal," "moderate," and "significant" content. The presence and type (category) of LGBTQ + content were assessed in its relationship to geographic regions, in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles/year, and website types. Interobserver reliability was assessed for the categorization system created. Out of 373 unique websites, 191 (51.2%) had LGBTQ + content of any kind. Regarding the amount of content, websites were categorized as "none" (48.8%), "minimal" (8.0%), "moderate" (28.4%), and "significant" (14.8%). "Private fertility clinic" websites were more likely to have LGBTQ + content and a significantly increased amount of content compared to other website types ("academic hospital" and "sole sperm, oocyte, and embryo provider" websites) (p < 0.0001). Fertility clinics with more IVF cycles/year were more likely to have increased amount of LGBTQ + content compared to those with fewer IVF cycles/year (OR = 4.280; 95% CI, 1.952-9.388). Northeast, West, South, and Midwest regions showed no statistically significant difference in presence and type of content (p = 0.06 and p = 0.13, respectively). Approximately half of websites had LGBTQ + content. Private fertility clinics and fertility clinics with increased IVF cycles/year show a positive relationship to the presence and type of LGBTQ + content, while LGBTQ + website content was similar across four geographic regions.

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