
Dendritic cells (DC) are critical cellular mediators of host immunity, notably by expressing a broad panel of pattern recognition receptors. One of those receptors, the C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN, was previously reported as a regulator of endo/lysosomal targeting through functional connections with the autophagy pathway. Here, we confirmed that DC-SIGN internalization intersects with LC3+ autophagy structures in primary human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC). DC-SIGN engagement promoted autophagy flux which coincided with the recruitment of ATG-related factors. As such, the autophagy initiation factor ATG9 was found to be associated with DC-SIGN very early upon receptor engagement and required for an optimal DC-SIGN-mediated autophagy flux. The autophagy flux activation upon DC-SIGN engagement was recapitulated using engineered DC-SIGN-expressing epithelial cells in which ATG9 association with the receptor was also confirmed. Finally, Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy performed in primary human MoDC revealed DC-SIGN-dependent submembrane nanoclusters formed with ATG9, which was required to degrade incoming viruses and further limit DC-mediated transmission of HIV-1 infection to CD4+ T lymphocytes. Our study unveils a physical association between the Pattern Recognition Receptor DC-SIGN and essential components of the autophagy pathway contributing to early endocytic events and the host's antiviral immune response.

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