
Abstract The paper emphasises the potential of the autonomy-oriented approach as a scientific basis for the development of innovative training practices in medical universities of Russia. Based on a review of research, theory, and current teaching practices in Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, the paper considers both theoretical and practical aspects of the autonomy-oriented approach implementation in higher medical education. The benefits of the autonomy-oriented approach for both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students are demonstrated from the perspective of the Self-Determination Theory. Our findings indicate that the autonomy-oriented approach in higher medical education is associated with a more “personalised” teaching style through supporting students’ self-determination, engagement and autonomy. The summative evaluation of the results of the study with participation of 54 medical students and 33 medical university teachers suggests that the use of the autonomy-oriented approach in higher medical education leads to effective implementation of creative, innovative, contextual and problem-based training techniques as well as students’ and teachers’ personal and professional self-development.

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