
The article outlines the structure of the phenomenon "artistic and productive competence" based on theoretical research of modern scientific psychological and pedagogical literature. The existing approaches to defining the concept of preschoolers’ imagination are described. The essence of artistic, creative imagination of senior preschoolers lies in their ability to create a sensual image independently, to transform this image from the invisible into the visible.
 The author's method of determining the level of senior preschoolers’ creative imagination is presented. It is noted that the teacher analyzes the results of the child's geometric shape drawing during the game diagnostic task "Magic Transformations" in order to determine it.
 The author describes the technology of using art as an integrator of the development of a preschool child’s creative abilities. The article deals with the author's technology of image creation, that is aimed at: 1) the development of emotional and sensory perception of objects and phenomena of the environment; 2) providing conditions for the self-expression of each child. The author 's view on the use of art as a means of development of the child' s personality is proposed.
 Technology of image creation involves the development of the ability to see and understand the beautiful in nature, in the environment through emotional perception; comprehension of the communicative function of art by the child; use of music, literature, games, creative tasks to create an image; activating interest in socializing in artistic activities. The article identifies work with the grain of the image as the most optimal method of working with children, which is not regulated by certain rules, and provides for centering on the source of the image.
 The pedagogical conditions that are necessary to optimize the use of the technology of education in pre-school educational establishments are proposed for the implementation of the work. These pedagogical conditions are aimed at special pedagogical stimulation of the child's internal forces.

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